Sunday, August 25, 2013


Ombak bergulung bersenandung cinta
Burung camar menari menggesekan biola
Terbalut dalam satu ikatan asmara
Bertemakan cinta kasih kita berdua

Kau biarkan rambutmu berkibar dihembus angin pantai
Sadar akan sepasang mata binal sedang membingkai
Jemari kita saling berpelukan seperti mata rantai
Gelora cinta sepasang anak manusia semakin terbelai

Langkah santai menyusuri pesisir
Telapak kaki bermain dengan air laut yang mendesir
Terasa geli terusap halusnya pasir
Sesekali kita menikmati sentuhan bibir

Kau lingkarkan tanganmu pada pinggangku
Kau eratkan tubuhmu ke dadaku
Kau rebahkan kepalamu di pundakku
Kau alirkan aroma Estee Lauder ke hidungku

Kutatap setiap lekuk wajahmu
Kusentuh pipimu
Kunikmati senyum manismu
Dan kukecup keningmu

Entah apa di dalam benakmu kau tertunduk tersipu malu
Sambil melirikan mata yang merayu
Meluluhkan hatiku yang kian membiru
Membuat bibirku tak tertahankan tuk berucap I love you

Hari ini genap delapan tahun kita bersatu perahu
Bersatu hati menjelajahi samudra tanpa ragu
Biarlah Roh Kudus tetap bersemayam didalam kalbu
Hingga ajal mengembalikan kita menjadi abu

Salam kasih dan sejahtera selalu,
Raymond Liauw


Waves rolling humming of love
Gulls dancing and playing the violin
Swathed in a bond of love
Themed on our love

You let your hair
fluttered blown by the beach wind
Aware of wild eyes were framing

Our fingers hugged each other as the chain
Passionate love of two lovers getting stroked

Leisurely pace along the coast
Feet play
ed with sizzling sea water
ing rubbed by the subtlety sand
Once in a while we
were enjoying a touch of lip

You wrap your hands on my waist
You tighten your body
up to my chest
You put your head on my shoulder
You stream
the scent of Estee Lauder to my nose

I looked at every curve on your face
I touched your cheek
I enjoy
ed your sweet smile
And kissed your forehead

Something in your mind when your head down bashful
Glancing eyes that seduce
Melt my heart that increasingly turning blue
Make my lips unbearable to say I love you

Today is the eighth year we unite boat
Uniting hearts explore the ocean without a doubt
Let the Holy Spirit still dwells in the hearts of
the death return us to dust

Greeting of love and peace,
Raymond Liauw

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